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Who We Are

Innovators of Social Media Marketing

re-defines the way social media can be used to create growth potential and capitalize on the social media billion-dollar marketplace.

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Vincent Risalvato

Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Risalvato is a Computer Scientist and entrepreneur. He has created and sold companies worth more than 20 million dollars. Mr. Risalvato's designs have also shipped internationally. He has been accepted by the courts as an expert in the field of computer science and his testimony has been relied upon to determine the outcome of billion dollar cases.

Joe Candito


Mr. Candito has a Master's Degree in Management and Supervision from Central Michigan University with an extensive history as a business consultant, entrepreneur, investor, and in commercial real estate development. Mr. Candito has over 30 years of experience in technology, marketing, sales, management, retail, consulting, and franchising experience.

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